The Australian Ballet: Cinderella in rehearsal


Alexei Ratmansky is hard at work creating our new production of Cinderella, and our studios are filled with the rascally antics of the Stepsisters, the dreams of our heroine and her enchanted moments with the Prince. Come with us inside the rehearsal rooms to see Alexei and the dancers making this marvellous ballet.

The Australian Ballet: Cinderella in rehearsal
The Australian Ballet. Ako Kondo in rehearsal for Alexei Ratmansky’s Cinderella. Photography Lynette Wills


The Australian Ballet: Cinderella in rehearsal
The Australian Ballet. Whass so funny? Rehearsals for Alexei Ratmansky’s Cinderella. Photography Lynette Wills

 The world premiere of a newly imagined fairytale

Cinders is getting a brand-new dress! Alexei Ratmansky, formerly artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet and now resident choreographer of American Ballet Theatre, is creating a new version of Cinderella on The Australian Ballet. Set to Prokofiev’s beguiling score and featuring Surrealism-inspired sets and costumes, this new Cinderella will be eagerly awaited both here and abroad. Ratmansky has been hailed as the saviour of traditional ballet, injecting fresh life into classical technique. His take on the original girl-made-good story promises true enchantment.

With thanks to Supporting Partner Napoleon and Principal & Production Partner Telstra.

“There is no more interesting, influential or thoughtful choreographer working in classical ballet” The Australian on Alexei Ratmansky

Genre. Full-length story ballet


  • Cinderella (2013)
  • Choreography Alexei Ratmansky
  • Music Sergei Prokofiev
  • Costume and set design Jérôme Kaplan
  • Lighting design Rachel Burke
  • Projection design Wendall K Harrington
  • Melbourne: with Orchestra Victoria
  • Sydney: with Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra

This performance runs for approximately 150 minutes including two intervals.

The Australian Ballet: Cinderella in rehearsal
The Australian Ballet. Rina Nemoto and artists of The Australian Ballet in rehearsal for Alexei Ratmansky’s Cinderella. Photography Lynette Wills


Body Ballet ® - Carolina de Pedro
La correcta danza clásica para adultos.
Danza clásica, elongación y estiramientos.
Desde 2003

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