Serata Ratmansky Teatro alla Scala

Serata Ratmansky opened the new Ballet Season

The opening title of the new Ballet Season is dedicated to the famous choreographer sought and acclaimed by ballet companies all over the world. A return, a debut for la Scala and a world premiere: a triple-bill which will feature the Scala Ballet Company and the three étoiles Svetlana Zakharova, Roberto Bolle and Massimo Murru, in different performances, from December 17th to January 16th

Russians Seasons, for the first time at la Scala, opened the triple-bill; six couples of Scala artists and main couple Svetlana Zakharova with Andrei Merkuriev; Concerto DSCH, with the principal couple Svetlana Zakharova with Carlo Di Lanno, and the trio Stefania Ballone, Antonino Sutera, Federico Fresi. Opera, the new creation for the Scala Ballet Company , created for eight couples and two main couples: at the world premiere Beatrice Carbone with Roberto Bolle, Emanuela Montanari with Mick Zeni.

Serata Ratmansky
Alexei Ratmansky

  • Choreography Alexei Ratmansky
  • Assistant to the choreographer Tatiana Ratmansky
  • Conductor Mikhail Tatarnikov

Russian Seasons

  • Teatro Bol’sˇoj Moscow Production
  • Music Leonid Desyatnikov
  • Costumes Galina Solovyeva
  • Lights Mark Stanley
  • Soprano Alisa Zinovjeva
  • Violin Laura Marzadori

Concerto DSCH

  • Teatro alla Scala Production
  • Music Dmitrij Šostakovič
  • Costumes Holly Hynes
  • Lights Mark Stanley
  • Piano Davide Cabassi


  • New Teatro alla Scala Production
  • Music Leonid Desyatnikov (first performance) Texts by Pietro Metastasio and Carlo Goldoni chosen by Carla Muschio
  • Video designer Wendall Harrington
  • Costumes Colleen Atwood
  • Lights Mark Stanley
  • Soprano Linda Jung
  • Mezzo Natalia Gavrilan
  • Tenor Jaeyoon Jung

From 17 December 2013 to 16 January 2014
Running Time: 2 hours 20 minutes intermissions included

Backstage photogallery  Teatro alla Scala, click

Serata Ratmansky Teatro alla Scala
Serata Ratmansky – Russian Seasons Svetlana Zakharova – S. Ballone-D. Gazzo – N,. Manni V. Valerio ©Brescia e Amisano Teatro alla Scala.

Serata Ratmansky Teatro alla Scala
Serata Ratmansky. Russian Seasons Svetlana Zakharova – Andrei Merkuriev.©Brescia e Amisano Teatro alla Scala

Serata Ratmansky Teatro alla Scala
Serata Ratmansky. OPERA Roberto Bolle Beatrice Carbone ©Brescia e Amisano Teatro alla Scala

Serata Ratmansky Teatro alla Scala
Serata Ratmansky. Concerto DSCH – Svetlana Zakharova – Carlo Di Lanno ©Brescia e Amisano Teatro alla Scala

Serata Ratmansky Teatro alla Scala
Serata Ratmansky. Concerto DSCH – in primo piano Antonino Sutera Federico Fresi ©Brescia e Amisano Teatro alla Scala

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