Russian Ballet Pilates Technique in London Russian Ballet School

London Russian Ballet School is the only school in the UK to offer Russian ballet training exclusively with Russian-trained teachers. The charity Kids Love Lambeth performs Russian classical ballet for children throughout Lambeth. Opportunity is made available to all regardless of background or means.

Russian Ballet Pilates was developed by Evgeny Goremykin.

It is based on the traditional techniques of the great Russian Ballet schools. The technique makes the benefits of ballet attainable for the ordinary person creating the much desired supple and elongated muscles. All students see and feel changes in their body shape. It is the only technique programme that works on ligaments and specifically targets muscles around joints to bring a great sense of healthy well being and a longer life, whilst producing the toned and leaner body we all want to achieve.

It offers a complimentary dimension to the repetitive routine of energy consuming activities without impact. It is a chance to learn something completely different but demanding. The Russian Ballet Pilates technique improves posture, flexibility and core strength. It literally starts from the feet upwards. All students notice a marked difference not just in body shape but also in co-ordination and general movement. No routine is the same and each one requires great concentration. This combination of mind and body together is very effective in driving away daily cares to bring a sense of relaxation at the end of each class.

Pilates ballet is very helpful for a variety of students. It is exceptional at reforming a woman’s body after pregnancy. It deals with loss of tummy tone, expanded rib cage and pelvic floor weakness. It is ideal for those who suffer with lower back problems and is highly effective in rehabilitation from a sporting injury. The Russian Pilates Technique is non-load bearing and performed on the floor. It is a programme that may be used to great effect as a sole form of movement or as an addition to other disciplines. For those who are serious about ballet it is enormously helpful whilst for athletes it is used to avoid stress and injury due to the proportional nature of its method. Students can and do tailor the technique to their own requirements very successfully. LRBS is the only studio in the UK to offer this system of technique.

Classes are offered daily with teachers from LRBS itself. In the morning it is ideal after the school run. If the office is causing you stress this is the perfect class for you. On Saturday the class is just plain hard work and fun.

The most advanced classes are under the supervision of Evgeny Goremykin himself.

Address: London Russian Ballet School, 2012

Russian Ballet Pilates Technique in London Russian Ballet School
London Russian Ballet School, 2012


Body Ballet ® - Carolina de Pedro
La correcta danza clásica para adultos.
Danza clásica, elongación y estiramientos.
Desde 2003

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