Giselle – American Ballet Theatre

Principal Dancer PALOMA HERRERA offers her final ABT appearance on the May 27, 2 pm performance of Giselle.

Principal Dancer XIOMARA REYES offers her final ABT appearance on the May 27, 7:30 pm performance of Giselle.

May 22 – 28- 2015.

The epitome of Romantic ballet, this heart-rending tale of unrequited love, remorse and forgiveness perfectly fuses music, movement and drama. The role of Giselle requires an exquisite stylist with daring dramatic and technical skills to create a compelling portrait of the innocent, yet ultimately noble, village maiden. In this universally acclaimed production, ABT’s unrivalled roster of international ballet stars brings Giselle’s mystery and ethereal beauty vividly to life.

Production Team

  • Composer: Adolphe Adam
  • Choreography: Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot, Marius Petipa
  • Set Design: Gianni Quaranta
  • Costume Design: Anna Anni
  • Lighting Design: Jennifer Tipton
Giselle – American Ballet Theatre
Paloma Herrera as Giselle. Photo by Gene Schiavone. American Ballet Theatre.


Body Ballet ® - Carolina de Pedro
La correcta danza clásica para adultos.
Danza clásica, elongación y estiramientos.
Desde 2003

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