Betty Jones teaches Limon technique at Peridance


Monday-Friday, October 22-26

Workshop Description:
This one-week advanced Limon Workshop, with two of the world’s legendary teachers, investigates the synergy of Limon’s propensity for the dynamic, humane, and organic.

Advanced Limon Technique, 10-11:30 AM
Solo workshop from «A Choreographic Offering, 11:30 AM-1 PM at Peridance, 126 East 13th Street
For Information or Reservations: 212.505.0886
Workshop Description:
This one-week advanced Limon Workshop, with two of the world’s legendary teachers, investigates the synergy of Limon’s propensity for the dynamic, humane, and organic.   The workshop’s core topic is «Apollonian verses Dionysian,» and consists of a technique class followed by a repertory class.   The technique class is a prerequisite to the repertory, which explores highlights from the Limon masterpiece A Choreographic Offering with Betty Jones and Fritz Ludin.
BETTY JONES was a founding member of the Jose Limon Dance Company.  Countless roles in the Humphrey/Limon repertory were originally created on her, including Desdemona in The Moor’s Pavane.   Her performances with the Limon Dance Company and her own Dances We Dance Company were infused with lyricism, dramatic intensity, and an unmatched delicacy, and her extraordinary gifts as a teacher have touched legions of dancers across the globe.
FRITZ LUDIN joined the Limon Dance Company in 1963.   He and Betty Jones have staged Humphrey/Weidman works for companies in Russia, France and the USA, and in his restaging of Missa Brevis at the University of Utah, he performed Limon’s own role.   He has also toured and choreographed internationally as the co-founder of Dances We Dance, and has enjoyed frequent teaching engagements in the USA, Japan, China, and Europe.

Betty Jones teaches Limon technique at Peridance

Limón Technique & Repertory with Betty Jones

©2012 Danza Ballet



Body Ballet ® - Carolina de Pedro
La correcta danza clásica para adultos.
Danza clásica, elongación y estiramientos.
Desde 2003

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