Ballet for adults Russian Ballet & Vagánova Style

The classic technique is used as a base of almost all corporal artistic works, due to the placement of the different axes of the body and the alteration of postural habits, besides facilitating the recognition and the self-control of it.

Classic dance is an activity that not necessarily has to be realized by dancers or to be danced on a stage, but as a corporal different and creative workAt classes, we look for a constant evolution of exercises from techniques of flexibility, alignment and stretching, towards others where there should be put in stake the coordination, force, and power of every pupil. If dancers think they can maintain a correct body position before practicing the mechanics of the ballet properly, they probably have feet and leg pains among other parts of their body, which do not let them to dance and walk comfortably, in addition to having several problems in legs and knees that impede an appropriate classic dance performance.

Ballet for adults Russian Ballet & Vagánova Style
Ballet for adults in Barcelona Danza Ballet® Senior

Courses and schedules 2014/2015
Danza Ballet® Senior & Junior: Básic and intermediate level. Pointes
Introduction to ballet for adults Body Ballet® Body Ballet®

Danza Ballet® Vagánova: Basic level
These ballet classes are designated to adults, who have acquired enough vocabulary and knowledge to continue their studies of classic dance. We will principally work posture, elongation, pace and expression as basic ballet initiation. There are no limits in age, since it is a course destined for those persons who want to take up again their ballet classes or want to work specific points of their bodies. We will progressively achieve the correct body posture and leg, feet and arm work, through barre exercises and other ones made in the middle of the room.

  •     To perform and analyze corporal basic movements of this technique and its combinations.
  •     To perform barre exercises: feet and arms 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th position.
  •     To perform diagonals and floor work.

Danza Ballet® Vagánova: Intermediate level. Pointes
Classes are destined to persons who have reached an intermediate level: pointe work, barre exercises, middle of the room exercises, diagonal and floor exercises. Choreographies consisted of simple and compound routines are included, where all these elements are combined with music harmony and the use of the full room space. The training program used is the Vaganova technique.

General aims

  •     To progressively achieve a correct body posture and leg, feet and arm work, through barre exercises and other ones made in the middle of the room.
  •     To improve the movements of the acquired technique.
  •     To perform and analyze basic corporal movements of this technique and its combinations.
  •     To perform barre exercises in 1st , 2nd, 3rd , 4th and 5th position.
  •     To perform the same exercises practiced on the barre but in the middle of the room.
  •     To perform diagonals, variations, jumps, pointe work.

Body Ballet®: Ballet introduction for adults
A course orientated to persons who want to study the classic dance technique and know the ballet basic principles through it. At classes, slow barre exercises and other ones in the middle of the room will be perform. Through this training, you will develop the appropriate muscles besides strengthening and toning them up. In this way, you will learn to use your body as a work instrument of the classic ballet.

Body Ballet®: Ballet Floor Barre classes. Ballet à terre
Techniques oriented to correct bad posture habits in adults. Maintaining a good posture, widely benefits us not only from the health point of view but also from the aesthetics. You will avoid muscular and column problems, if you keep your posture and back straight. Also, you will get a good oxygenation and, in particular, a slender and pleasant appearance. Base technique and elasticity exercises are applied at classes. These classes are aimed to ballerinas and danceurs, professional aspirants, students, teachers and people who are interested in the dance world. Both for children and adults. Choreographic routines are included, where all these elements combine harmony with music and the use of the space. The training program used is the Vaganova technique.

Carolina De Pedro  – Mobile telephone: 659241784

Studio Ballet Barcelona® Facebook Ballet Barcelona®

Ballet for adults Russian Ballet & Vagánova Style
Studio Ballet Barcelona / Carolina de Pedro Pascual, 2014.

Body Ballet ® - Carolina de Pedro
La correcta danza clásica para adultos.
Danza clásica, elongación y estiramientos.
Desde 2003

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